Monday, December 8, 2014

The PCGS Sniffer shows up in a TrueView

I asked for Secure Service on the last group of coins I submitted to PCGS. I didn't really need it as these were just $5 Baseball Hall of Fame Gold proofs, but I like the label.  Honestly, I'd like to do all of my collection with that and PCGS True View.  That would be a fair outlaw of cash, but maybe I can swing a few at a time.

Anyway, one of the Secure photos came back looking like this.

PCGS explained

Secure images get cropped automatically via software, sometimes it doesn't work as it should. Our IT department) can go in and crop it manually. If anyone sees an error such as this let us know the cert number and we'll fix it. 
So what we are seen there is the "sniffer".   There's an odd video that shows how that works.  I say it is odd because the woman handling the coin is not wearing gloves.  I hope that's just because it is a demonstration!

You can see  more examples of confused cropping at Collectors Universe Forums - The inside of the Secure Plus scanner.

I actually think it's kind of cool :)

Note: All my coins are in a safe deposit box. I keep nothing in my home.

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